Politique étrangère n° 1/2007
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Depuis 2001, Alger et Washington ont entamé un rapprochement tous azimuts : diplomatique, économique – investissements énergétiques –, militaire – lutte antiterroriste −, associé au dialogue méditerranéen de l’OTAN, aux manoeuvres bilatérales { Spectaculaire, l’évolution suscite des interrogations sur sa profondeur et sa durabilité. Washington entend-elle faire d’Alger son partenaire premier dans la région ? Alger peut-elle organiser sa politique régionale autour du seul bilatéralisme avec Washington ?
Since the end of the Cold War, the United States has expressed a growing interest for Algeria. The Algerian leaders, with their long experience in fighting terrorism, are ready to offer their services to the Pentagon, even if they refuse the installation of an American base in their country. The two states also develop economic relations: with investments totaling more than 11 billion dollars in 2005 (mainly in the hydrocarbon sector), the United States became Algeria’s first economic partner in 2005-2006, France being relegated to second place.