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À partir des années 2000, différentes politiques rurales se sont déployées en Algérie faisant référence à un modèle de développement rural territorial, parmi lesquelles la Politique du Renouveau Agricole et Rural (PRAR) et son outil d’intervention : le Projet de Proximité de Développement Rural Intégré (PPDRI). Après plus de cinq années d’exécution, l’article entend analyser la territorialisation des PPDRI à travers un cas d’étude. Sur la base de la littérature théorique, trois mécanismes de territorialisation ont été retenus pour composer notre grille d’analyse. Le processus de mise en place des PPDRI révèle plusieurs distorsions qui font obstacle à la territorialisation des PPDRI.
Since 2000, several agricultural and rural policies have been expended in Algeria referring to a territorial rural development process. Among them, the agricultural and rural renewal policy takes root in the territorial development approach which emphasizes the decentralization and empowerment of actors at a local level. This policy is divided into three complementary components and the second one is the Rural Renewal Policy (RRP). The RRP aims to create a local support for development in all rural areas in order to restore a strong social cohesion in the countryside and fight against marginalization. To reach this objective, the RRP relies on the Proximity Project of Integrated Rural Development (PPIRD) as a tool of public intervention. In 2009, the General of Forests Directorate (GFD), central organization responsible for the management of PPIRD, launched nearly 10,000 PPIRD, affecting 1,437 municipalities and more than 1 million households over the period 2009-2014. After more than five years of implementation, the article intends to analyze the territorialization of PPIRD through a case study. Based on theoretical literature, three territorialization mechanisms have been selected to compose our territorialization analysis grid of PPIRD: (1) the project territory; (2) the forms of governance; (3) the degree of local anchorage of the project. These three levers are further broken down according to information collected from a field survey. The analysis of the PPIRD implementation process reveals several distortions, that have hindered the territorialization of PPIRD as the persistence of a centralized organization and standardized actions.