Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine (3/2020)
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Cet article porte sur la transition agroécologique des exploitations agricoles aux Antilles françaises. Il vise à déterminer les règles de décision à observer dès aujourd’hui afin d’assurer une évolution viable de ces systèmes de production. Un modèle de viabilité avec cible (atteindre un seuil élevé de qualité de sol) est proposé. Les résultats du modèle permettent de définir en combien de temps, à quel coût et selon quelles modalités de pratiques et de choix de production, une exploitation peut opérer sa transition agroécologique. Le modèle est appliqué aux exploitations bananières appréhendées comme des agroécosystèmes. Il permet de sélectionner les options de décision susceptibles d’orienter la trajectoire d’évolution de ces systèmes dynamiques dans le sens souhaité.
This article deals with the implementation of the agroecological transition in the French West Indies. To address this challenge, a viability model is suggested. This approach offers an original framework to highlight agroecosystems dynamics by allowing consideration of simultaneously economic and agronomic dimensions. This holistic approach to agroecosystems is designed at the farming system scale. Farming systems, which are thought as socio-ecosystems (i.e., ecological systems inextricably connected to a socio-economic matrix), represent an essential component of the agricultural sector. Farming systems are a strategic level on which to tackle the different components of viability from a holistic point of view. Farming systems are at the crossroads of agro-technical, organizational, institutional and territorial innovations. They also constitute a consistent level on which to address the issues of complexity and uncertainty. A viability model with target (reaching a high soil quality threshold) is designed, tested and supports operational objectives. The viability analysis enables to answer different questions relating to a given state (i.e. initial state) concerning possible futures. It aims to reveal the set of decision-making rules to be followed to ensure a viable evolution of farming systems. The viability model is applied for banana farming systems. The model results allow to define to what extent a farm can undertake its agroecological transition. It helps to assess the costs and duration of the agroecological transition considering farmers’ choices (practices and crops). It shows that postponing the implementation of viable decision rules is costly. The more farmers postpone, the longer it will take for their system to recover viable properties and the more it will cost.