Revue d'économie régionale et urbaine (4/2020)
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Cet article étudie dans quelle mesure les services rendus par les étangs littoraux ou d’aquaculture contribuent à la satisfaction de vie des populations et des bénéficiaires de ces services. Cette contribution est évaluée par une hiérarchisation de leur impact, relativement aux autres facteurs traditionnels de bien-être. Les différents déterminants des choix sont étudiés en fonction des types d’usage, de la proximité et de la familiarité des individus à ces écosystèmes, de leur lien et attachement à la nature, mais aussi du contexte de résidence, urbain ou rural, et des caractéristiques psychologiques des habitants. Ce type d’approche s’inscrit dans le champ des approches subjectives centrées sur la satisfaction ou le bien-être et permet d’intégrer et d’évaluer la part des facteurs environnementaux dans la notion de bien être territorial. Elle permet aussi de proposer une évaluation originale des perceptions des services écosystémiques, en mettant l’accent sur la demande vis-à-vis de ces services.
This paper examines to what extent the ecosystem services (ES) provided by coastal (near toMontpellier) or aquaculture ponds (in the Dombes region) contribute to the life satisfaction of local populations and of direct beneficiaries of these ES. This research is based on three face-to-face surveys and an online survey on a national scale, so as to be able to compare the perceptions of residents according to whether or not they are located near the two types of ponds studied. The contribution is assessed by ranking their impact compared to other more usual well-being factors. Depending on the weight of ecosystem services taken into account, a well-being profile variable sensitive to nature was created. An analysis of the determinants of choice reveals correlations with the type of use, people’s proximity and familiarity with these ecosystems as well as their connection and attachment to nature, the urban or rural residential context and psychological characteristics, in favour of rural territories. This approach is consistent with the subjective analyses centred on satisfaction or well-being and enables the integration and evaluation of the role of environmental factors in the notion of territorial well-being and, thereby, in residential and touristic attractiveness of territories. This type of analysis also facilitates the study of environmental inequalities depending on the territory. More generally, it widens the field of knowledge for decision-making support in planning, development and territorial governance. It also results in an original evaluation of perceptions of ES by focusing on the social demand for these services. Thus the nature of ecosystem services favoured by respondents reflects the existence of a demand for environmental amenities, which are part of cultural ES but also of regulation ES related to environmental quality and its impacts on health.