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Les partenariats public économie sociale et solidaire (PPESS) sont en plein essor en France. Ils contribuent à la mise en oeuvre d’une action publique s’appuyant sur les organisations de l’économie sociale et solidaire (OESS). Les lois Hamon et NOTRe y ont largement contribué par la légitimation nationale de l’ESS et le renforcement du rôle des régions en matière de stratégies de développement territorial. Cette contribution analyse les effets des mutations à l’oeuvre à l’appui d’une étude empirique menée dans une perspective comparative sur les régions Grand-Est et Normandie. Le questionnement des représentants de grandes structures publiques et de l’ESS à l’appui d’une Analyse Textuelle de Discours permet d’appréhender les similitudes et les différences régionales. Il ressort de cette analyse de fortes différenciations des politiques régionales et des PPESS. On peut y voir les prémisses d’une concurrence entre modèles régionaux, pouvant avoir à l’avenir une forte influence en termes de paradigme d’action collective.
Public-Social Solidarity Economy Partnerships (PPESS) are now booming in France. They contribute to the implementation of a public action that relies more and more on the organizations of the social and solidarity economy (OESS). Two laws have made a significant contribution in recent years: the Hamon law, which brings recognition and national legitimacy to the SSE and aims to change its scale; the NOTRe law, which redefines the competencies and attributions of the various levels of public government to strengthen the role of the regions in carrying out territorial development strategies. The purpose of this contribution is to analyze the effects of the changes at work. An empirical study is conducted in a comparative perspective on the regions of Grand-Est and Normandie. It questions representatives of large structures (public and SSE) in the two regions on the basis of four topics: two of them refer to the characteristics and effects of the Hamon law (the economic dominance; the Citizen dimension in the SSE); two others to the NOTRe law (the influence of actors in the co-construction of regional public action; its territorial anchorage). A Textual Discourse Analysis allows us to understand the similarities and differences in the perceptions and specifications of the effects of regional policies resulting from the application of reforms. This analysis reveals profound transformations in regional policies and their reliance on the SSE: the territorial and partnership dynamics underway are part of a process marked by the differentiation in France of regional policies and PSSEPs, and thus of the collective action paradigm. Although hindsight on the process at work is still short, we can see the beginnings of a competition by comparison between regional models, which could have a strong influence in the future in terms of the paradigm of collective action.