Langue française n° 153 (1/2007)
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Recent work on verbal polysemy has shown that a typology taking into account syntactic as well as semantic and lexical properties, not only allows us to better understand the link between syntax and meaning, but also offers an operational framework for the description of verbal meaning extensions (cf. Willems : 2002 & 2006). These observations reveal the existence of polysemic regularities within and between lexical classes. However, the discovery of those regularities, presupposes an exhaustive inventory of the syntactic and semantic properties of the verbal lexicon. In this perspective, the verb classification presented by Jean Dubois and Françoise Dubois-Charlier constitutes a particularly useful database. The aim of this contribution is to confront various verbal typologies (Guillet & Leclère: 1992, Dubois & Dubois-Charlier: 1997, Dixon: 1991 and Levin: 1993) in order to propose an integrated definition of the ditransitive locative verbs (mettre, enlever, transporter, laisser …) and to analyse the polysemic extensions specific to this verb class.