Langue française n° 161 (1/2009)
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L’étude de plusieurs corpus d’origines diverses montre que l’adverbe apparemment est susceptible d’occuper des positions très variées dans une phrase donnée. Deux cas semblent particulièrement fréquents, à savoir la position frontale : (1)… Apparemment , nous sommes au début d’un processus, est-ce que ce processus ne risque pas de durer… (Conférence de presse, 01/09/2005). et l’antéposition à un adjectif : (2)…Elle ne rencontra personne en sortant par la cour, se hâtant le long du fournil apparemment désert… (Y. Quéffelec, Les Noces barbares , p. 17, 1985).
The aim of this article is to give a semantic and enunciative description of Modern French adverb apparemment . This description is supported additionally by the evolution of apparemment from Medieval French until today. Modern French presents three separate uses of the adverb. A pparemment , quite scarce today, is a item subjunct which occurs only in negative contexts. Apparemment , is a polyphonic subjunct, and determines an adjective or a past participle with the meaning “seemingly, [but not actually]”. Apparemment is an enunciative polyphonic adverb, very common today in spoken French. When uttering apparemment 3 p , the speaker refers to a certain number of facts, which he presents as indications supporting a conclusion he does not entirely assume. Apparemment is used by the speaker to distance himself from a certain viewpoint. It can be related to a pragmatic function of attenuation, and thus works as a marker of the enunciative attitude of the speaker.