Langue française n° 154 (2/2007)
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Although several studies have described the use of discourse markers (DMs) from a syntagmatic point of view, the possible reduplication of some DMs has never been studied in detail (ex. in French : bon bon, tiens tiens, voyons voyons, là là, bien bien and in English, OK OK, all right all right …). The present article has two aims. First, it seeks to analyze the role of the pragmatic reduplication (PR) of the là marker in Quebec French. It then aims to discover whether the PR of DMs is similar to the PR of other grammatical classes, such as that of adjectives, where the reduplication is generally considered to be an intensification process. The working hypothesis is that, if “intensification” is defined as a semantic category equivalent to “very X” or “really X”, the notion of “intensification” is not adequate to describe the PR of DMs. Intensification is only possible with words on a scale and DMs are not scalar. This being the case, it is proposed that the PR of DM is essentially related to the speaker’s commitment to his message and that the use of a reduplication device allows him to add an emphatic modal quality to the performance of an illocutionary act.